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Take advantage of hidden cost saving potential
Parts manufactured by means of traditional methods – especially when there are many working steps – may be subject to an interesting cost reduction by switching over to the sintering technique with equal or even superior technical features.

Prior to switching over from the traditional to the sintering technique, a feasibility study must be carried out with a partner having thorough knowledge of materials, possible combinations and PM (powder metallurgical) process conditions including sintering. On request, we will gladly assist you in carrying out this study, without cost or obligation.

By means of analysing your parts drawings and requied material's properties you may be able to find candidates for the potential of cost reduction. Depending on how complex the part is, sintering may be a profitable alternative starting with reasonably low batches.

Send us an inquiry by means of the reply form on our “Contact” page. You will find helpful information as to the elements we require to establish a quotation. You may also simply dial  +41 32 373 11 11. A first discussion on the phone may bring the required clarification

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